If you are a member of a social network, you may or may not have heard of the planking craze. By may not, I mean may. There is absolutely NO WAY that it has not clouded your news feeds, your tweets, and your everyday life.

EVERYONE is doing it. Except me. And a few friends that find it as ridiculous as I.

...okay. I'm going to show you something....

Even my own GRANDMA has joined in. If she wan't so darn cool I'd disown her.

I love her. So so so much.

What? You've never heard of planking? What is planking you ask?  Well, let me tell you:

Australia knows how to start the party. It reached all the way to the US of A. Before long, planking was all I was seeing/reading about on the facebook and pictures were popping up like Whack-A-Mole.  I guess it's okay... relatively safe, except for the gentleman that died planking (I guess it's only safe if you want it to be safe), and it can be pretty funny....but I think it's dumb if you just go lay on a flat surface. Put some thought into it. I've got an acquaintance that went to walmart and planked on huge packages of soil. That's dumb. Go do it on a large sign 40 feet in the air. Or on the Eiffel tower. OR ON THE HUMPS OF TWO CAMELS.

Props to this guy.

It's just too much for me to handle.

Don’t feel like planking?  Why not try owling or leisure diving on for size?

Leisure Diving is defined on as “a jump into a body of water (or at least something soft), striking a leisure pose’ in mid-air.  Ideally, a photographer captures the moment when the diver has reached peak height above water, when his or her hips are parallel to the waterline.  If successful, the result is an airborn Corona commercial you can post to your preferred social networking platform, or mantle, if you’re old school.”

Owling is rather self explanitory. Crouch like an owl in an unlikely placeI may go out and experiment tomorrow. Feel free to join.

Have a good day, be safe.


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