Is this real life?

Remember that list of exciting things that were happening in my near future from the last post? I got a couple of them checked off the list.

And I also added another activity on the list that I would have never in my wildest dreams imagine I'd be doing.

Not because it is fabulous or something to envy, but because it is one of the most bizarre things I've ever done, and I think that is saying something.

Ever heard of donkey basketball? It's real. Youtube some vids. It's totally worth it.

I found out that I would be a part of this ridiculous event the morning of, which was February 24, and when I arrived at the gym that we would be playing, I went into a room that held the senior team, and three teams of teachers, where we were instructed on what to do when we got ready to play. 

It was pretty self explanatory, but the one thing that stuck out to me was that some of the donkeys were trained to do what they were told (stop, go, etc) and the rest were told to do the opposite. 

Oh, and some were instructed to buck you off or kick you if you came near them.

How terrifying.

So naturally, I tried to sweet talk the beast. 

Which seemed to work out well for me, because I didn't get kicked/bucked/or injured in any way shape or form.


The same can not be said for my pal Ryan.

He got the donkey from hell. 

He couldn't stay on that monster to save his life. Poor little nugget. 

It was fun regardless on if you got a well behaved donkey or a demon donkey.

Well...maybe the folks who got the donkeys from hell were more fun to watch.

Oh well.

Their pain and misfortune was good for a laugh.


And how could I forget the guy whose pants ripped?

That was my favorite part. I will leave you with that image.

Have a fabulous day.


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