The night is young, and so are we
This has been such a bizarre week. For everyone involved.
It's like everyone around me had an extra pep in their step, and with good reason. It was, after all, the final week of this school year.
Signing of yearbooks, going to graduation parties, and telling people how much you're going to miss them (when in the back of your head you know that you will be removing them on facebook within an hour of walking across the stage at graduation)
The last bit may have been a little harsh...but whatever. You do what you have to do.
I actually did mean it when I said "I'm going to miss you!" to most people that I said it to. SO, if you were one of those people, you can stop sweating. I don't mean you.
Moving on...let me tell you what my week was comprised of (starting with the three aforementioned actions)
1. Signing yearbooks. I hate signing yearbooks. Why? Because I have this mindset that whatever I write will one day be read by the spouses, children, and grandchildren, and I just really....REALLY...don't want to sound like some sort of emotional, manic freak. I'm going to reserve that for the last possible moment that I see these people. So then that way there is a slight possibility that whatever is said may be forgotten, and will not be permanently etched in their annuals.
PLUS, how annoying will it be in the future when you are trying to decipher what you know was once an inside joke, and to future you it just looks like you were friends with some oddballs that said things that now make as much sense as someone attempting to nail jello to a tree.
2. I've got grad party invitations out the wazoo. Most have come and gone, and I'm kind of thrilled that things are slowing down with only a few that still remain. I've loved going to them, but keeping up with whose is when was getting to be a little crazy. I missed a few, on accident, and probably would have missed one of my own had I not been reminded of its existence the day before. All in all, each one that I've attended has been a blast. I've gone from mexican themed parties, to line dancing parties, to a tsa party.
By tsa, I did mean TEA party, it was just a typo, but now I urge you to get on youtube and search for the TSA SNL skit. It is definitely worth your time.
I had a photobooth at one of mine, so I didn't have to take any pictures. Which was golden. Here are a few of them, just for funzies.
3. Saying "peace out" to all of the people you grew up with (rather, saying goodbye to those that you have no intentions on keeping up with). I've been really looking forward to that one. I like most people that I come into contact with, but there are some that just rub me the wrong way. They were immediately removed from all of my social networking sites.
And it felt AWESOME.
Okay, I'll admit, that may be a bit childish (for that to have been something that I have been anticipating for a time period that I will not be disclosing), but it needed to happen.
And it did.
And I don't regret it.
AND I NEVER WILL. Alright, done with that topic. Onto the next one!
4. The week of graduation, I also spent time thinking back on who my friends have been, and reminiscing the times that I spent with them, looking in old yearbooks (some inside jokes I could not interpret) ((which validates my point in #1), and listening to music from years past.
I feel like it should have been some sad, cheesy, overplayed graduation song...
But it wasn't. I was listening to the Jonas Brothers.
They came on shuffle one day while I was at a friends' house, I was serenaded, and then later inspired to listen to the rest of their songs.
Which reminded me of how obsessed I was. How many of their concerts I went to. How much I've changed. Which I think is good, for the most part. I mean, how many people want to be friends with an 18 year old that still drools after a JoBro.
Even though Joe has grown up. Very nicely, I might add. I MEAN REALLY.
You know, I often apologize for random things that I post...and I typically don't mean it...but this time I do.
I'm sorry. The JoBro videos was taking it too far.
I'm out of control.
5. At this point, all that was left to do at this point was GRADUATE.
Now, we, as humans, like to mark momentous occasions in our lives, or we like to pin point the exact moment that a change will occur in our lives, so we can throw our hands up and say, “right then! That is when it all changed!"
I kind of figured that's what graduation would be like.
I was mistaken.
I feel the same.
Maybe a little less stressed, maybe a little more at ease..but I just know that there is something.... something that I just can't quite put my finger on that has changed...
I'm sorry. That's not a real thing.
But still.
It's kind of odd to think that this was exactly a week ago today. It doesn't even really feel like it happened.
But now that it has happened, and it is over, I'm just enjoying spending my time with my friends. And by spending time with my friends, I do of course mean wasting it by watching movies. I do not recommend the film Chronical. It was quite terrible.
Biggest waste of 84 minutes.
Oh well. What's done is done, and what is watched is watched.
You want to know what was not a misspend of time? Dave Matthews.
He's brilliant. Just brilliant. You want to know what else is brilliant?
This video.
Sorry this post has been so sporadic. I'm distracted by the idea that there is a pool float outside empty and alone.
So, hakuna matata kids.
Here's a few more videos that do not/should not pertain to this blog.
Remi Gaillard is dangerously funny. I encourage you to watch some of his videos.
Happy Friday, I'm going to go do something with my day while there is still day to spare. You should do the same.
It's like everyone around me had an extra pep in their step, and with good reason. It was, after all, the final week of this school year.
Signing of yearbooks, going to graduation parties, and telling people how much you're going to miss them (when in the back of your head you know that you will be removing them on facebook within an hour of walking across the stage at graduation)
Lots of love goin' round.
The last bit may have been a little harsh...but whatever. You do what you have to do.
I actually did mean it when I said "I'm going to miss you!" to most people that I said it to. SO, if you were one of those people, you can stop sweating. I don't mean you.
Moving on...let me tell you what my week was comprised of (starting with the three aforementioned actions)
1. Signing yearbooks. I hate signing yearbooks. Why? Because I have this mindset that whatever I write will one day be read by the spouses, children, and grandchildren, and I just really....REALLY...don't want to sound like some sort of emotional, manic freak. I'm going to reserve that for the last possible moment that I see these people. So then that way there is a slight possibility that whatever is said may be forgotten, and will not be permanently etched in their annuals.
PLUS, how annoying will it be in the future when you are trying to decipher what you know was once an inside joke, and to future you it just looks like you were friends with some oddballs that said things that now make as much sense as someone attempting to nail jello to a tree.
2. I've got grad party invitations out the wazoo. Most have come and gone, and I'm kind of thrilled that things are slowing down with only a few that still remain. I've loved going to them, but keeping up with whose is when was getting to be a little crazy. I missed a few, on accident, and probably would have missed one of my own had I not been reminded of its existence the day before. All in all, each one that I've attended has been a blast. I've gone from mexican themed parties, to line dancing parties, to a tsa party.
By tsa, I did mean TEA party, it was just a typo, but now I urge you to get on youtube and search for the TSA SNL skit. It is definitely worth your time.
I had a photobooth at one of mine, so I didn't have to take any pictures. Which was golden. Here are a few of them, just for funzies.
3. Saying "peace out" to all of the people you grew up with (rather, saying goodbye to those that you have no intentions on keeping up with). I've been really looking forward to that one. I like most people that I come into contact with, but there are some that just rub me the wrong way. They were immediately removed from all of my social networking sites.
And it felt AWESOME.
Okay, I'll admit, that may be a bit childish (for that to have been something that I have been anticipating for a time period that I will not be disclosing), but it needed to happen.
And it did.
And I don't regret it.
AND I NEVER WILL. Alright, done with that topic. Onto the next one!
4. The week of graduation, I also spent time thinking back on who my friends have been, and reminiscing the times that I spent with them, looking in old yearbooks (some inside jokes I could not interpret) ((which validates my point in #1), and listening to music from years past.
I feel like it should have been some sad, cheesy, overplayed graduation song...
But it wasn't. I was listening to the Jonas Brothers.
They came on shuffle one day while I was at a friends' house, I was serenaded, and then later inspired to listen to the rest of their songs.
Which reminded me of how obsessed I was. How many of their concerts I went to. How much I've changed. Which I think is good, for the most part. I mean, how many people want to be friends with an 18 year old that still drools after a JoBro.
Even though Joe has grown up. Very nicely, I might add. I MEAN REALLY.
You know, I often apologize for random things that I post...and I typically don't mean it...but this time I do.
I'm sorry. The JoBro videos was taking it too far.
I'm out of control.
5. At this point, all that was left to do at this point was GRADUATE.
Now, we, as humans, like to mark momentous occasions in our lives, or we like to pin point the exact moment that a change will occur in our lives, so we can throw our hands up and say, “right then! That is when it all changed!"
I kind of figured that's what graduation would be like.
I was mistaken.
I feel the same.
Maybe a little less stressed, maybe a little more at ease..but I just know that there is something.... something that I just can't quite put my finger on that has changed...
I'm sorry. That's not a real thing.
But still.
I was fortunate enough to get to celebrate this "momentous occasion" with my family! (Minus my oldest sister)
They're too much fun. I mean, really, look at 'em.
It's kind of odd to think that this was exactly a week ago today. It doesn't even really feel like it happened.
But now that it has happened, and it is over, I'm just enjoying spending my time with my friends. And by spending time with my friends, I do of course mean wasting it by watching movies. I do not recommend the film Chronical. It was quite terrible.
Biggest waste of 84 minutes.
Oh well. What's done is done, and what is watched is watched.
You want to know what was not a misspend of time? Dave Matthews.
He's brilliant. Just brilliant. You want to know what else is brilliant?
This video.
Sorry this post has been so sporadic. I'm distracted by the idea that there is a pool float outside empty and alone.
So, hakuna matata kids.
Here's a few more videos that do not/should not pertain to this blog.
Remi Gaillard is dangerously funny. I encourage you to watch some of his videos.
Happy Friday, I'm going to go do something with my day while there is still day to spare. You should do the same.
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