It's fall, y'all

Okay...I've started at least four different posts, but never got around to finishing them.


I've decided to throw them to the wind, take a break from studying, and not leave this computer until I have finished.

I've just been a busy lady...

...contrary to popular belief. Rather, one of my best friend's belief. You know exactly who you are, punk.


I understand that I have not been living the college life for very long....but I've learned some valuable lessons in the short time that I have been here. If you're older than me (or wiser), you'll probably read this and be like....duh, Samantha. Whatever. This is aimed more towards younger folks I suppose.


 Prepare yourselves...

Choose wisely. Do not go to school somewhere cold if you do not like cold weather.  You will be unhappy.

Don't change yourself. By that, I mean do not go off and dye your hair if you have never done it before. Change your attitude, eating, study habits, or whatever else. Just don't dye your hair because you are having an identity crisis. Your blonde hair will turn out black, and you will be more unhappy about this than being in the cold.

Does that look like the face of a happy camper? NO. It absolutley does not. 

If it does, you must be going to some weird camps.

Get involved. Or else you will be miserable. I absolutely love my Sigma Phi Lambda sisters. They help me keep my priorities straight and basically maintain my sanity. Which, as it has come to my attention, is not an easy task.

Never leave anything visible in your car. Even if you lock you car. Even if it is only for an hour. EVEN IF IT IS DAYLIGHT. Why? Because sometimes, people suck. Don't let this happen to you.

Be hygienic. Wash your hands, wear shower shoes, and all that jazz. Germs love community living. I got really sick a couple of weeks ago, and wound up in the hospital for dehydration. Which leads me to my next bullet point:

Drink water. Lot's of it. That's all that needs to be said.

Just because you *can* do something, doesn’t mean you should. If you get that “ick” feeling that you shouldn’t be doing something or should be somewhere, stop doing it and get out of there. Fast. People are weird.

Dress up. You’ll feel more confident, pay better attention, and look more approachable. I know the norm is to wear tights and an oversized tshirt- but you never know who you’ll meet.

Sit near the front, and attend the whole class. Even if you feel like you will just die if you sit there any longer. Even if you feel like your brain is starting to ooze out of your nose and/or ears, because professors sometimes give really important info at the end of class. Or extra credit. Which makes that lugubrious hour and a half seem like it is not such a waste.

If you can live harmoniously with someone in a 10X12 space, you can do anything.

Let go. This is the time in your life where you find out which relationships in high school were really in it for the long haul. Never, ever, EVER, settle with someone that does not treat you right, or belittles you. And shame on you if you allow them to do it more than once. Do not pour all of your energy into people that are only your friends when it is convenient for them, or you will wind up feeling quite empty. They do not deserve your time. You are worth so much more than that. You shouldn't have to force relationships with people. I, for one, will be stopping that right now. I'm done.

      Look around. There are people in your life...right now...that you might not have noticed before, that God has put there for a purpose. The people in your classes that you do not know, that sit down next to you, may turn out to be one of your best friends. Take time and ask them how their day has been going. It can make more of a difference than you know.

And finally..

      Let God be in control. God seems to have a delightful (or sometimes, kind of sucky) way of upsetting the plans that we have made when we do not turn to him. I, admittedly, do not always do that. And you know what? God takes me by my shoulders, and shakes me until I pay him the attention that he deserves. Remember when I said that you shouldn't put your energy into people that are not being good to you? If you put all of your energy into God, and your relationship with him, he will help you rid of the bad relationships, make you whole again, and throw good ones in your face. Which isn't as bad as it sounds. Trust me. He's pretty cool. Follow him.


I know it got kind of heavy there at the end...

So in honor of election day, here's some pictures of animals.

Things I love about today:

1. Our perfect and merciful God
2. The friends that have picked me up on my darkest days
3. The conversation I had with someone in my 8am class.

Happy November 6, kids. Expect to hear more from me soon.

Crazy things are happening in Lubbock.


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