Wind Blown
I do. I just scared the bejeezus out of my roommate Kelsey by taping her foot with my own.
It was brilliant.
I really felt like that story needed to be shared, and that you would be JUST the right folks to share it with.
I had to look up the proper spelling for "bejeezus" because the ways that I was spelling it was not being recognized by my computer's spell check. How sad is that?
Not that sad, really. Moving on.
I slept for about 4 hours last night. Why, you ask?
I'm obsessed with my sorority sisters.
Not in a creepy way..
Remember a couple of posts back when I said that it's only awkward if you make it awkward?
That applies here.
But really. They're the bees knees.
It was such an amazing weekend that I thought was going to be absolutely miserable due to this little cold that my body has conjured up, but thanks to some vitamin c, dayquil, and get well wishes, I was rearin' and ready to worship our God!
....and get 2nd place in the Philympics. Which was really fun.
I really have no idea what I would do without these girls.
So many of them have become some of my best friends and closest confidants.
Even if they are weird.
And awkward.
Please note that I said "and" instead of "or."
Regardless- I would not trade them for the world.
Though the weekend was absolutely fabulous, I am now stuck with a colossal pile of stuff.
Stuff to work on....
Stuff to clean...
Stuff to organize...
Stuff to think about...
Stuff to study for...
What will get me through it, you may ask?
That's right, comrades.
It's within reach. February is going to fly by...I feel it.
Speaking of feelings...
You know when you've been awake for so long, and you are so full of energy (or your mind has fooled you into thinking that you are fully alert), and you look sort of like this, right before you crash?
Yeah. That's me.
I will remedy that by going to sleep now.
So, sleep tight, friends. Have a wonderful evening, and a fantastic day tomorrow!
Things I love about today:
1. Awkward date stories
3. My sweet sweet phi lamb sisters
4. The wind. Even if it makes my hair go into a zillion tiny knots.
5. Doctor Who. ('s an addiction.)
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