No Turning Back


Tomorrow is the day I make the drive back to Camp of the Hills.

Coincidentally, today is the day that my school friends that took the internships in Georgia had to report to their posts for the summer. I thought that once this day approached a wave of regret would fall over me- but I am so at peace with my decision. I'm not even at camp yet and I know with every fiber of my being that is where I'm supposed to be.

And I can't wait to see why that is.

It's a new beginning.

Or perhaps a reawakening is a more appropriate way to categorize it. I know that you know how deeply I care for this ministry, who it helps, what work is done... but must admit that I also like it for selfish reasons as well.

Camp, at least for me, is as close to heaven on earth as it gets. The people seem more real, and dare I say it, intentional. God is present and beauty can be found in every direction you look. Whether it's in the physical appearance of camp, or in the even more apparent beauty in the joy of the people surrounding you. As I said before, there is something truly extraordinary about the people at camp, and last summer I learned so much from those I had relationships with. I want again. I love being at camp, because it allows me the opportunity to be far from the distractions and temptations that this world offers. I spend my days getting to know the hearts of those around me, teaching kids about the love of God and help them to form or strengthen their relationship with our creator. 

I can think of few places that make me feel as complete as when I am at camp, laughing, sweaty, dressed ridiculously, running, crying- WHATEVER may be happening, I feel like God always has his arms around Camp of the Hills, and that's why I want to be there.

And tomorrow I will be!

Now all I have to do is pack...

I really dislike packing. I'm terrible at it. Or perhaps I'm TOO good at it? I typically have everything that I need...but the amount of things I do not need often outweighs the necessities.

My hula hoop, football, and bubble gun are already packed. It would just be a waste of energy to bring them back in the house.

Plus each one of those items will prove to be vital at some point during the summer. At least that is what I will keep telling myself as I continue to fill up my car.


I really should jump on the whole packing thing, I've easily spent more time getting on Facebook and writing this than I have devoted to putting together everything I "need."

I suppose in retrospect- it's not that difficult. All I really require are tshirts, shorts, chacos, underwear, toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant....okay. Seriously. I'm going now.

Have a happy start to your summer. You deserve all the happiness in the world.

Things I love about today:
1. Camp
2. A family who allows me to be a kid again for the summer (even though I'm supposed to be the adult in the situation)
3. My coworkers that I haven't even met yet (I bet they're cool)
4. A car that will take me to camp
5. Camp


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