Let's Get Down to Business

It's that time of year again. You know, the part where the year we've being living in for the past 364 days ends and a new one begins. Funny how this seems to be an annual thing. 

As my departure is growing more and more tangible, I've been thinking less about stuff I'll be doing are and more about what my experiences will teach me.

I mean, sure, my list of excursions is awesome-  bucket list worthy, even, but there is so much more that I hope to gain than just some artsy photographs of landscapes and my friends. For a long while, I thought that would be my favorite aspect of the trip- capturing it. Not experiencing it.

I have a running bucketlist of things I hope to see and do in my lifetime, but I feel as though it is such a shallow concept. I want the things I see and do to improve who I am. To grow me. To challenge me.

We are but a vapor in this world, and as I am about to see more of it, I see now how small I really am. I have not done something truly noteworthy. I don't always live my life as I've been instructed. I take advantage of the blessings that I have in my life. And I want all of that to change.

I urge you to ask yourself if what you are doing will matter in the end. Don't to what is easy and put this question on the back burner, because you might not have the opportunity to change it. If your answer to that question is no, then find the purpose in this life. 

That's my New Year's resolution. To find the purpose, and seek it out with those put in my path. They're only there to help.

Please consider praying for my shipmates and I as we travel the world and that our minds and hearts be open to new experiences and people- even when we reaaaaally don't want to. In the event that you can't tell... I'm struggling with accepting the fact that my familiar surroundings are soon to become my yesterday. I like change. In fact, change is welcomed, but I've never experienced it in such a big way. I know it'll be different when I'm actually there, but the thought still lingers and is causing me to be overanxious. Thank you in advance. 

In return, I'll happily pray for you, and wish you a very happy new year! May it be filled with all of the happiness life has to offer- no matter how big or small. 2015 is your year. 

Things I love about today:

1. New beginnings 
2. My best friend got into town safely today
3. The mysterious peace that only God can bring


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