Don't Listen to the Voice
I forgot to tell you what happened yesterday.
So there I was...minding my own business eating lunch with my friends, when "the Voice" (Kevin) made his daily announcement at 12;10.
Typically, this announcement consists of how many nautical miles we've traveled since our last port, how many miles until our next destination, the depth of the ocean that we are sailing in, the topic of the evening get the picture.
It was different yesterday.
Kevin began as per usual "Good afternoon voyagers, may I have your attention please..."
...but what followed was incredibly strange.
"Would the following voyagers please go straight to your cabins to clean them. Samantha Hutchison, Willa Young..."
After that, I knew more names had been said, but all I knew was that mine had been first.
Now, I know a messy room when I see one, Ours was not messy, for sure.
The only reason it would have been is if we had a room search, and they couldn't figure out how to put all of my souvenirs, books, ukes, etc. back.
So- painted red by embarrassment, I left my giggling friends and walked briskly back to my room.
I fully anticipated for there to be an explosion of clothes and instruments (from a room search), but when I opened my door our room looked normal and Willa was standing there just as dumbfounded as I was.
Was is a joke? Did our steward think we were pigs? Or are our photos on the wall a fire hazard?
There was no note telling us what we could change, no one there to be sure that we cleaned it...the whole situation was so strange.
We really had no idea what could have triggered them to make an announcement about our room. It might has well be a museum, you could walk right through it!
SO, we went on a hunt for the voice. After 5 minutes of looking we found him having lunch. We asked him what the deal was (okay, we asked much more delicately than that) he said he just read it off of the list that Dean Lisa gave to him. So do you know who we went looking for? You guessed it, our girl, Lisa. She was only a few feet away- not too difficult for us.
We then faced her with the same questions- what is wrong with our room, and why on earth did they announce it over the intercom?
I don't know if you know this, but I'm not easily embarrassed (and no, Lauren, Amanda, and Emily- this is not a challenge). But THIS, was really embarrassing. Everyone that knows me (and after my talent show endeavor- that number has increased. Which is cool, but sucked in this instance) was giving me crap as I walked by. And I was mortified the entire time.
Lisa said that maybe it was a mistake and that she would check on it when she has her information in front of her again from the head of rooms.
Willa and I then stalked back to our "messy" room and talk about how irritated we were. Then after a few minutes, we got over it, and Willa got up and left to finish some classwork.
Less than a minute after she left, another announcement was made.
(and at this point, hearing the voice made me rather antsy)
"Good afternoon voyagers, may I have your attention please. I would like to apologize to Samantha Hutchison and Willa Young, because their room is, in fact, incredibly clean. Instead would.....please go to your room to clean. I've seen pictures and it is atrocious"
Do you know what that is?
That's the smell of victory.
Exoneration station.
All of that worry for no reason.
I just thought I'd share that little story to update you on my life as of late.
MV Explorer…always keeping things interesting.
The ship auction was later that evening, and pie-ing the Voice in the face was one of the options….but the winner paid $250 for it. I decided against it.
One of the auction items was to be the first student off of the ship upon our arrival in Southampton. I was willing to spend a certain amount (which will remain unknown- because it doesn't matter anymore and it would make my parents cringe).
I just wanted to high five everyone as they got off of the ship and reentered the "real world."
…but that amount was grossly surpassed.
How much is that ticket to be the first off?
That's right, $1200.
And so, I will be getting off with my sea, which is group three for disembarkation.
Things I love about today:
1. The fact that my room is actually clean
2. The apology
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