You've got a friend

Sooooo I'm doing this whole college thing.

I think it's going well. Tech and I have a decent relationship so far.


Today, I missed my friends.

The ones I saw and spoke to all the time, the ones that knew me inside out.

WHICH, I have done more than just today. Let's be real here. I've thought about them every day since we've gone our separate ways.

...I mean, don't get me wrong. I've got some great friends that came to school with me, and I've met some truly wonderful people. And they're all pretty fabulous. HOWEVER, sometimes I miss being able to tell a story without going into detail about who is who, and their entire backstories.

BUT, I figure the people that I've hung out with must be keepers, if they've listened to me go on and on about how awesome my friends are that I went to high school with.

...They're probs jealous of some of them.

Can't say that I blame them.

I always knew I would look back on my tears and laugh at the silliness and the stresses that once seemed so great, but I never thought I would look back on the laughter and cry because I miss these people so much.

So, I will now take this opportunity to tell you just how special my friends are, which may make you think about the relationships you currently have, and raise your standards for the ones you make. 

Mine are pretty freaking high.


1. They pick an eyelash off of your face or wet a napkin to get something off of your face (a super close relationship can be identified if they lick it). You didn’t ask them to do these things, but this person went ahead and did it anyway. They don’t want to see you looking like a fool with eyelashes and food on your face. Even if you are "saving it for later."
2. They assume the role of caretaker when you’re ill. (Not like Lil Wayne) You know? It’s easy to care about someone when they don’t need you. It’s easy to love others when they’re healthy and don’t ask you for anything beyond someone to go to lunch with. Being sick is different. Being sick means asking someone to hold your hair back when you vomit. Either love me with vomit in my hair or don’t love me at all.
3. They don't mind the quiet. They don't mind running errands with you or watching you pack for college. There's no pressure to fill the silences. You know how with some of your friends there absolutely has to be some sort of activity planned for you to hang out? You don't feel comfortable just watching bad reality TV with them or just sitting outside reading. You need something that will keep the both of you busy to ensure there won't be a void. That's not love. That's, "hey pal! I like you just fine, let's do lunch soon? I think we have enough to talk about to fill a couple of hours!" It's a damn dream when you find people you can do nothing with. Whether you're zip lining together,going through a car wash multiple times just for funzies, or watching the Golden Girls, it's always comfortable. That is love.
4. They can order you food without having to be told what you want. They've just been to the same restaurant with you and have watched you order the same thing for years. Or if they know what you order to drink. Little things matter. Always.
5. They scratch your back at any given moment. Or perhaps stroke your forearm....which isn't as weird as it sounds. Be it because you are upset, or for no reason at all just simply because they know you like it.

6. They know you well enough/care about you enough to tell you to chill out, to bust your balls, or to tell you to stop. They aren’t passive observers in your life, they're in the trenches. They have an opinion about your decisions and the things you say and do. They want to be a part of it; they want to be a part of you.
7. They want you to be happy, even if that potentially involves something that doesn't benefit them. These true friends realize and understand the things you need to do in order to be content and come to terms with the fact that it might not include them. Never underestimate the gift of understanding.  

8. FINALLY, there are friends that read your blog to find out what goes on in your life. My hat comes off to you for reading this. 

And I don't wear hats often.

ANYWAY, the point is...


Anywhere you go, somebody will always want to be your friend. Somebody will always love you. If you don't think this is true, then you're not paying close enough attention to the people in your everyday life.

Or you're not being lovable.

Or you are a hermit living in your dorm room.

Which was me for a little while.

Cheers to a new school year, kids. 

I hope you enjoyed go study. Or sleep. Whatever suits your fancy.

Things I love about today:
1. Pictures on my bulletin board that serve as a constant reminder of my friends
2. The lack of humidity in Lubbock
3. Only having one class on Wednesday


  1. Or work out. Because that has been suiting my fancy since I left school.

    I'm glad to hear you're doing well in college! :)

  2. What if they just lick you in general?


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