Posting twice within 24 hours? Crazy, I am well aware. I just couldn't imagine another day passing without sharing this video.
"Those who can laugh without cause have either found the true
meaning of happiness or have gone stark raving mad." -Norm Papernick
Go ahead, laugh. Conduct a social experiment. Just laugh because you are happy, see if your friends join in. It's infectious. I think about this quote all the time...because I feel like I have found the true meaning of happiness. The man who said the quote's name alone makes me giggle.
You want to know something else that makes me giggle? About 5 minutes ago, my doorbell rang.
The bell ringing did not crack me up, it is what I realized after I said goodbye to my visitors.
I opened my door to two small children selling Jack Links Beef Sticks for $1 a piece. Which, by the way, are disgusting. I like beef jerkey....but beef STICK? No. Uh-uh.
So of course I turn around to grab my wallet, and I heard one of the kids laugh. I ignored it, and bought 5 and closed the door. I put my wallet back in my purse and looked in the mirror in our front hall, only to be reminded of the fun dip I had eaten a few minutes before.
It wasn't even the cherry kind that gives you a slightly more red hue to your tongue....It was the Razz-Apple flavor that makes you look like you just devoured a smurf. Excellent.
That's all I've got. My original plan was to just post that video because it is so freaking funny. The misc children showing up was as much of a surprise for me as it was for you. Have a good Friday! Enjoy the small (but wonderful) things in life.
That video brightened my day.