I don't even know what to start with. So much time has passed. So many events.
I have so many drafts.
But you know what? I'm going to disregard all of it. That's right. ALL OF IT.
Mainly because once I get started on one thing it will snow ball into something overwhelming. Like a grown man lip syncing to JBiebes.
If any of you know me around the time that I start seriously dating someone or when I get married, DO NOT let me settle for anything less.
.....just make sure he is someone entertaining. I'd appreciate it greatly.
Do you know what is a longer amount of time than two months? FOUR MONTHS.
I'm graduating in exactly 4 months from today, and I can't freaking wait. I'm thrilled. Intoxicated with joy, actually.
I've reached the point where I need to be around different people. It's time to stop putting up with folks that I just don't...for lack of a better DO YOU KNOW WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT? I am looking forward to having a large sea of people around me, and having the ability and the choice to surround myself with people that I am compatible with...not just people I have to deal with because they are there.
If you are reading this, fret not, because we are friends. I mean, we have to be. You're reading my ranting. We just have to be friends.
But don't get me wrong, everyone that has crossed my path has shaped who I am. So, thanks.
BUT I have a ZILLION things that I want to do before I leave.
1. You know those showers in science classrooms? I want to use one. Not to bathe, just for funzies. I may have to catch myself on fire in order to do so, but it may be totally worth it.
I picture it going something like this: (:54)
This may not happen, and I may just have to accept that, but I can dream, right?
2. Finish all scrapbooking projects that I started within the past two years...and start a couple of new ones
3. Clean my room. Maybe it'll happen someday. I really just haven't been able to do it since Christmas. It looks terrible. It's sort of pathetic. I just really don't want this to be an issue when I start packing for college. I need to help future me out.
4. Read the Harry Potter series again. Harry Potter is everything that is good in the world. If you've got a twitter, and you have a thing for HP, follow!/HarryPotterings
5. Actually do my homework. Which I should be doing right now...but this is definitely a better use of my time.
Please watch this. I couldn't stop laughing.
Really....I'm just....really really sorry.
I don't even know what to start with. So much time has passed. So many events.
I have so many drafts.
But you know what? I'm going to disregard all of it. That's right. ALL OF IT.
Mainly because once I get started on one thing it will snow ball into something overwhelming. Like a grown man lip syncing to JBiebes.
If any of you know me around the time that I start seriously dating someone or when I get married, DO NOT let me settle for anything less.
.....just make sure he is someone entertaining. I'd appreciate it greatly.
Do you know what is a longer amount of time than two months? FOUR MONTHS.
I'm graduating in exactly 4 months from today, and I can't freaking wait. I'm thrilled. Intoxicated with joy, actually.
I've reached the point where I need to be around different people. It's time to stop putting up with folks that I just don't...for lack of a better DO YOU KNOW WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT? I am looking forward to having a large sea of people around me, and having the ability and the choice to surround myself with people that I am compatible with...not just people I have to deal with because they are there.
If you are reading this, fret not, because we are friends. I mean, we have to be. You're reading my ranting. We just have to be friends.
But don't get me wrong, everyone that has crossed my path has shaped who I am. So, thanks.
BUT I have a ZILLION things that I want to do before I leave.
1. You know those showers in science classrooms? I want to use one. Not to bathe, just for funzies. I may have to catch myself on fire in order to do so, but it may be totally worth it.
I picture it going something like this: (:54)
This may not happen, and I may just have to accept that, but I can dream, right?
2. Finish all scrapbooking projects that I started within the past two years...and start a couple of new ones
3. Clean my room. Maybe it'll happen someday. I really just haven't been able to do it since Christmas. It looks terrible. It's sort of pathetic. I just really don't want this to be an issue when I start packing for college. I need to help future me out.
4. Read the Harry Potter series again. Harry Potter is everything that is good in the world. If you've got a twitter, and you have a thing for HP, follow!/HarryPotterings
5. Actually do my homework. Which I should be doing right now...but this is definitely a better use of my time.
Please watch this. I couldn't stop laughing.
Really....I'm just....really really sorry.
...okay. I'm not sorry. Especially if you laughed. If you thought it was amusing, then consider my apology retracted.
Have a great week! Give your best friend a hug.
ALSO, go do something you've never done before.
I did some sort of painting class with my sisters, and it was pretty rad. Especially because all of our paintings turned out so differently.
Hmm... I really need to clean my room. And re-read Harry Potter... And do homework. My APES grade could really benefit from me doing it.