Don't Worry, Be Happy
Well my friends, another semester has begun. And it definitely started with a bang. Or maybe more of a crash.
Allow me to elaborate.
So there I was- sitting in my first class of the semester, taking notes like a mad woman.
You know how the first of the semester goes- you're always so eager to write down every little detail that comes out of the mouths of your professors, color coding notes, keeping your planner pristine, etc.
Anyway, there I was...and in the midst of my note-taking, I began to feel really sick/light headed to the point where I didn't think I would make it to the end of the class. I've never passed out before- and I didn't want that to happen around a bunch of strangers. I managed to hold it together, but decided that I could not go to my next class and emailed my professor to give him the details on my situation, praying that he would understand.
Man. Already missing class. Great first impression, right?
Anyway. I had my friend Taylor come pick me up from campus (because I didn't think walking to my car would be wise) and take me to the doctor. Three hours later, I come out with a diagnosis of bronchitis and a nice steroid shot in my flank. I say flank, because that's the terminology my doc used. He then handed me a sheet of paper that had prescriptions that would help remedy all of my other symptoms, and sent me on my merry way.
I get my school excuse and meet Taylor back in the lobby. I proceeded her in on my fun filled visit as we walked to the car, hopped in, and drove off to get my drugs of the prescription variety.
Upon arriving back to her house (and my car), she asks if I had gotten in a wreck. I thought, how rude...I know that I look bad, but it's been a long day. However, I disregarded what she had said and followed her line of sight.
There he was. Dumbleford. With a big 'ole dent in the driver's side door. A big 'ole dent and no note.
A shot in the butt and then another through my heart. (If you recall, this is not the first ordeal with my car in Lubbock)
As you can imagine- I was incredibly upset. This series of events lead me to this conclusion: I must mope and be angry at the world.
Can you blame me? Wouldn't you do the same? For your sake, I sure hope not. Today was one of those days when I, once again, really appreciated that people that God has placed in my life.
They first allowed me to talk out my day, and then took me to go get a milkshake. That's like, +20 friend points for everyone involved.
Then they spoke truth to me.
How lucky am I that I was not in the car?
How fortunate is it that the dent is only in one door?
At least it wasn't a break in like the last time.
Who am I to be upset when my car still works, and my door still closes.
The only thing that it affected was the appearance of my car.
That's what real friends are supposed to do. Make you see the bright side of any situation. For some bizarre reason, people my age (me included) often entertain the thought that you can determine who your "best" friends are by the amount of crap you can shovel onto them. What I mean is that odds are you have a person in your life that you spill our guts, words, and whatever else into, no matter the nature of what is spoken. If we dislike someone or something passionately, we expect that person to feel the same. If we've had a bad day and you've got to narrate it to your friends, it is automatically their duty to tell you that people suck and our world is unfair, right? WRONG. And thank God for that.
I mean, yes. My pals did listen to me and my "horrible" day (and may have said that people sucked)- but they did so much more for me. Reminded me that it is a car. Not a life, and they got me ice cream- which typically helps in any situation.
Anyway, such is life.
It's filled with problems. Pain, sickness, misfortune, etc- but much like a pot of bubbling water- problems can boil over. The only way to stop a pot of water from boiling over is to reduce the heat, and the same can be said about problems. Turn down the heat on a situation, calm your mind, don't let your thoughts be clouded with distain. Write down what's bothering you- and maybe you'll see that it is not as bad as you are making it out to be in your head. No matter who or what caused the issue- it's yours to handle now. Choose wisely, keeping in mind that it is SO much better to let it roll off your shoulder than to allow it to fester. Especially because this will be a mere blip in the grand scheme of things.
Today, I am thankful for positive thinking- and for those who practice it more often than I.
EX. My closest friends in Lubbock. Thank you for reminding me what's important, and for not letting me sweat the small stuff...or at least trying not to. Your words and advice are always appreciated.
If you've never seen this video before today...I do apologize.
Allow me to elaborate.
So there I was- sitting in my first class of the semester, taking notes like a mad woman.
You know how the first of the semester goes- you're always so eager to write down every little detail that comes out of the mouths of your professors, color coding notes, keeping your planner pristine, etc.
Anyway, there I was...and in the midst of my note-taking, I began to feel really sick/light headed to the point where I didn't think I would make it to the end of the class. I've never passed out before- and I didn't want that to happen around a bunch of strangers. I managed to hold it together, but decided that I could not go to my next class and emailed my professor to give him the details on my situation, praying that he would understand.
Man. Already missing class. Great first impression, right?
Anyway. I had my friend Taylor come pick me up from campus (because I didn't think walking to my car would be wise) and take me to the doctor. Three hours later, I come out with a diagnosis of bronchitis and a nice steroid shot in my flank. I say flank, because that's the terminology my doc used. He then handed me a sheet of paper that had prescriptions that would help remedy all of my other symptoms, and sent me on my merry way.
I get my school excuse and meet Taylor back in the lobby. I proceeded her in on my fun filled visit as we walked to the car, hopped in, and drove off to get my drugs of the prescription variety.
Upon arriving back to her house (and my car), she asks if I had gotten in a wreck. I thought, how rude...I know that I look bad, but it's been a long day. However, I disregarded what she had said and followed her line of sight.
There he was. Dumbleford. With a big 'ole dent in the driver's side door. A big 'ole dent and no note.
A shot in the butt and then another through my heart. (If you recall, this is not the first ordeal with my car in Lubbock)
As you can imagine- I was incredibly upset. This series of events lead me to this conclusion: I must mope and be angry at the world.
Can you blame me? Wouldn't you do the same? For your sake, I sure hope not. Today was one of those days when I, once again, really appreciated that people that God has placed in my life.
They first allowed me to talk out my day, and then took me to go get a milkshake. That's like, +20 friend points for everyone involved.
Then they spoke truth to me.
How lucky am I that I was not in the car?
How fortunate is it that the dent is only in one door?
At least it wasn't a break in like the last time.
Who am I to be upset when my car still works, and my door still closes.
The only thing that it affected was the appearance of my car.
That's what real friends are supposed to do. Make you see the bright side of any situation. For some bizarre reason, people my age (me included) often entertain the thought that you can determine who your "best" friends are by the amount of crap you can shovel onto them. What I mean is that odds are you have a person in your life that you spill our guts, words, and whatever else into, no matter the nature of what is spoken. If we dislike someone or something passionately, we expect that person to feel the same. If we've had a bad day and you've got to narrate it to your friends, it is automatically their duty to tell you that people suck and our world is unfair, right? WRONG. And thank God for that.
I mean, yes. My pals did listen to me and my "horrible" day (and may have said that people sucked)- but they did so much more for me. Reminded me that it is a car. Not a life, and they got me ice cream- which typically helps in any situation.
Anyway, such is life.
It's filled with problems. Pain, sickness, misfortune, etc- but much like a pot of bubbling water- problems can boil over. The only way to stop a pot of water from boiling over is to reduce the heat, and the same can be said about problems. Turn down the heat on a situation, calm your mind, don't let your thoughts be clouded with distain. Write down what's bothering you- and maybe you'll see that it is not as bad as you are making it out to be in your head. No matter who or what caused the issue- it's yours to handle now. Choose wisely, keeping in mind that it is SO much better to let it roll off your shoulder than to allow it to fester. Especially because this will be a mere blip in the grand scheme of things.
Today, I am thankful for positive thinking- and for those who practice it more often than I.
EX. My closest friends in Lubbock. Thank you for reminding me what's important, and for not letting me sweat the small stuff...or at least trying not to. Your words and advice are always appreciated.
If you've never seen this video before today...I do apologize.
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