Wrap Up
As you have probably gathered, I've been a lot more busy than I imagined.
I had high hopes that I would take time out to write about each week to share struggles, success stories, and adventures. Well, it's the end of my time here and those hopes are now a distant memory. I spent each week living the life.
The definition "the life" varies from person to person. Some believe it is partying without responsibilities, for some it is being in the woods in complete silence, perhaps it's playing a little music with a few of your closest friends...but my idea of "the life" is being exhausted, sweaty, and satisfied with the fact that I've been doing my best to love the people around me and teach them about their Father along the way. Camp is the best kind of exhaustion and I am thankful that I had yet another opportunity to spend time here (big shout out to my parents, who support my passion for this ministry- you are the real MVPs).
So now, I will provide you with a summer-y of what this summer held. (See what I did there? You probably did, because you're one smart cookie. Not unlike the one pictured below)
I'm mildly sorry for the ridiculousness of the picture, but let's be honest, it was 110% necessary.
So much happened this summer. Numerous late nights, hundreds of campers, countless laughs, various times of sorrow, heaps of fun...and 63 cups of coffee. That number...that number is set in stone.
That being said, this summer was another one for the books. Kids are beautiful, God is extraordinary, people are lovely, and camp is a life changing place for kids and adults alike.
1. My co-workers. My friends. My brothers and sisters. Whether it was leading SICs together, worshipping, crying, laughing, road tripping to Colorado, having a Camp of the Hills prom, or just doing life-- they are the real deal. (Special shout out to Moniqua', my co counselor throughout the ENTIRE summer, who constantly put up with my antics and used every opportunity she could get her hands on to share truth and love with those around her even if she was braving through a difficult time in her life)
2. Relearning how to be constantly "living in awe of God." Being hyper sensitive to the fact that God is doing big and beautiful things around every corner-- as well as right in front of your face, ready or not. Normally, I'm not a fan of show-offs-- but whenever God does it, He does it big. And it's perfect.
I've got a story for you. One where God's beams shone brightly through one of my friends.I had plans to go with my friend Faith to Dallas for the weekend, and I extended the invitation to our pal, Kevin so that he could stay with one of the counselors from the first half's house. It is a four hour drive to Dallas from camp, and somewhere along the way, Kevin got a call from one of his campers informing him that he was going to be getting baptized the next morning at his church in Houston. We squealed with delight at this news. Except for Kevin- who is super manly and does not squeal. And Kevin, being the manly man that he is, has a huge heart. He turned to me after ending the phone call and asked me if I wanted to go on an adventure. I thought....you've GOT to be kidding me. We are about to get to Dallas, and you want to get up early tomorrow morning, drive four more hours, to make it to Houston? Ridiculous. I wanted to spend time with my sisters...but he managed to talk me into it. And I couldn't have imagined that weekend going any other way. The sheer joy on his former campers face seeing that his counselor was there on a day that is worth rejoicing over was a priceless gift. In this case, I am so thankful that I have a friend who puts people that he believes need him most above plans that he already had in place. AWEsome, right? Right!
3. Laughter. It was a constant this summer- whether it was because something was knee-slapping funny, or something seemed so ridiculous (good or bad), you just had to laugh. I've got a brief story to share with you: During week two, at the cabin devotional that follows the crucifixion reenactment, me and Mo had our girls sitting on the back porch to talk to them about what they had just seen. We were reassuring our elementary aged girls that though what we had just watched was the sad part of the story about how we were saved from the fate we deserve, the good news is that the story goes on and on. One of the girls spoke up, unsatisfied with that answer. She said "nu-uh, I know when and how the world is going to end. God said he's going to end it with a big salami." ...I know what you're thinking. The Italians will be thrilled. Jokes aside, I know that she meant tsunami. And to answer the question that is burning in your brain- I DID keep my cool until the kids were not around. The innocence and over all hilariousness of kids is so pure and wonderful to be around (and occasionally giggle at..)
3. That God brought me back to life. I mean, a complete revival when not even I knew that I was in need of one. I'm not entirely sure why every time God does something wicked awesome in my life I am surprised by it. This summer, those moments came in many different forms, but my favorite instances were those eureka! moments for campers and counselors alike (including me), you know? That moment where you think OH MY GOSH. A powerful, ALMIGHTY King loves me so much that he wants to reveal himself to me? Or, this bible study applies DIRECTLY to me! To be loved by God does not require a membership, does not seek a hefty donation, His only request is that you live to give glory to Him. It is the most miraculous thing to be a part of the moment that a child comes to this realization- the joy found in falling in love with Christ can not be compared to anything this world has to offer.
I had high hopes that I would take time out to write about each week to share struggles, success stories, and adventures. Well, it's the end of my time here and those hopes are now a distant memory. I spent each week living the life.
The definition "the life" varies from person to person. Some believe it is partying without responsibilities, for some it is being in the woods in complete silence, perhaps it's playing a little music with a few of your closest friends...but my idea of "the life" is being exhausted, sweaty, and satisfied with the fact that I've been doing my best to love the people around me and teach them about their Father along the way. Camp is the best kind of exhaustion and I am thankful that I had yet another opportunity to spend time here (big shout out to my parents, who support my passion for this ministry- you are the real MVPs).
So now, I will provide you with a summer-y of what this summer held. (See what I did there? You probably did, because you're one smart cookie. Not unlike the one pictured below)
I'm mildly sorry for the ridiculousness of the picture, but let's be honest, it was 110% necessary.
So much happened this summer. Numerous late nights, hundreds of campers, countless laughs, various times of sorrow, heaps of fun...and 63 cups of coffee. That number...that number is set in stone.
That being said, this summer was another one for the books. Kids are beautiful, God is extraordinary, people are lovely, and camp is a life changing place for kids and adults alike.
The people above (as well as those who skipped out before the group picture) are some of the strongest people I've ever known. Many of these are people that were exposed to Camp of the Hills for the first time this summer, had many challenges thrown their way, and overcame each of them with grace (and coffee, and co counselors..) Okay, so that list could go on and on, but that just goes to show that God puts the right people in your life at the perfect time. We were predestined to be together at this dispensation in time-- and that was so evident at many different points this summer. I grew close to people that I would have never expected, taught by people younger than me, surprised (pleasantly) by peoples' multi faceted personalities, frustrated (but mostly grateful) for those who pushed my limits, and amazed by the love that constantly flowed from everyone I worked alongside.
To some, these words just look like a classic case of camp goggles (sort of like rose colored glasses, but with camp...and goggles...alright, you get it), but it certainly was not. Though it is likely that if you had taken all of us, pre-camp, and put us in a room together, a lot of us would likely not have been friends. But there is something about this place that brings people together. Our lives are forever connected.
Alright. You all know I like to talk- and I could make this post a mile long, so this is when my handy dandy.....
...bulleted lists. I know this part of my blog is typically a short dealio, but today is a different story. I haven't blogged in a while, as you know.
Things I loved about this summer:
2. Relearning how to be constantly "living in awe of God." Being hyper sensitive to the fact that God is doing big and beautiful things around every corner-- as well as right in front of your face, ready or not. Normally, I'm not a fan of show-offs-- but whenever God does it, He does it big. And it's perfect.

3. Laughter. It was a constant this summer- whether it was because something was knee-slapping funny, or something seemed so ridiculous (good or bad), you just had to laugh. I've got a brief story to share with you: During week two, at the cabin devotional that follows the crucifixion reenactment, me and Mo had our girls sitting on the back porch to talk to them about what they had just seen. We were reassuring our elementary aged girls that though what we had just watched was the sad part of the story about how we were saved from the fate we deserve, the good news is that the story goes on and on. One of the girls spoke up, unsatisfied with that answer. She said "nu-uh, I know when and how the world is going to end. God said he's going to end it with a big salami." ...I know what you're thinking. The Italians will be thrilled. Jokes aside, I know that she meant tsunami. And to answer the question that is burning in your brain- I DID keep my cool until the kids were not around. The innocence and over all hilariousness of kids is so pure and wonderful to be around (and occasionally giggle at..)
3. That God brought me back to life. I mean, a complete revival when not even I knew that I was in need of one. I'm not entirely sure why every time God does something wicked awesome in my life I am surprised by it. This summer, those moments came in many different forms, but my favorite instances were those eureka! moments for campers and counselors alike (including me), you know? That moment where you think OH MY GOSH. A powerful, ALMIGHTY King loves me so much that he wants to reveal himself to me? Or, this bible study applies DIRECTLY to me! To be loved by God does not require a membership, does not seek a hefty donation, His only request is that you live to give glory to Him. It is the most miraculous thing to be a part of the moment that a child comes to this realization- the joy found in falling in love with Christ can not be compared to anything this world has to offer.
It's hard for me to tell you everything that happened this summer. Really, it is. And the truth is-- if you were not there, you don't care. And that is quite alright! I just pray that you find a place and a group of people that you love as much as I loved this summer, and that love never leaves you.
I'll leave you with this-- this should help you understand this place is so special.
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