As of late..

Something exciting is happening on the MV Explorer.

The period of time carved out for midterms is officially OVER!


The ship is not conducive to studying. Or test taking (especially when the swells are are large as today). Or focusing on anything that resembles school work.

**Don't worry Mom and Dad- I studied and did well. Thanks for sending me with so many notecards.**

Oh, and we've crossed the equator, celebrated Neptune day (as you can see from my previous post), and will arrive in Mauritius tomorrow!

I always appreciate land days. Tomorrow, I will be taking a "tea route" - which includes going around trying teas, visiting a rum distillery, and a vanilla factory- sounds like my cup of tea, huh?

Sea what I did there?

I'm shore you did.

I'm sorry...I've got ship fever again.

You know? Though I complain about the rocking motion of the ship on open sea- I cannot really complain about my site and situation.

I'm on a ship that is going around the world. 

I started in San Diego- and am heading for Africa

(to my camp friends and my roommates, you know why I'm excited about these upcoming ports in particular. You know what I'll be singing in the weeks to come)

I've also got to tell you that I've met some really great human beings on this voyage. The type of friends that I'll be couch surfing across the US with. The type of friends that I'm already making plans to see in both the foreseeable future and years on down the road. 

​My professors are some of the most interesting people I've ever encountered.

I've got a wonderful group of people that I meet with every other morning at 0700 to have a bible study. It's by far the best way to start the day- and I can't believe how lucky I am to have so many people in my immediate situation to keep me grounded and reminded that God is so much bigger than anything we are seeing or doing.

​The crew is incredibly friendly (and hilarious)
--AND talented. The crew talent show was a few nights ago- and they brought down the house. Our talent show is after South Africa and I considered taking my name off because they were THAT awesome! However. I'm committed. My 90's rap medley on the ukulele would make Jimmy Fallon and JT proud.

And to finish it off...

The people on board have become my family. I've never truly understood the quote that talks about how people that you have just met may have more of an impact on you than those who have been in your life for years until now. 

Or how my sisters said that I would come home changed- I didn't want to believe it, but I don't think I'll be the same again. Nor would I want to be.

Don't worry- I'm still the same ukulele playing, chaco wearing chick. There are just things in this world that you can't un-see and can't un-feel.

The best part about leaving your heart in different places is that everywhere feels like home."

Have a happy day, take some time to appreciate everything around you. Ask someone close to you something about themselves that you didn't know.

Things I love about today:
***If you would like a postcard from one of my upcoming ports- send your address to my SAS email which is
2. Friends that keep me entertained by means of water colors
3. Traveling with new friends
4. The fact that I will be on land tomorrow 

Thanks for stopping by!



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